We received an AAe rating from BeZero Carbon
December 20, 2024
Learn more about the carbon rating that validates the quality of our projects.
- Less than 4% of nature-based projects (NBS) evaluated by BeZero worldwide have achieved an AA rating—the highest issued so far for ARR projects (Afforestation, Reforestation, and Restoration) in the Americas.
- Learn about re.green’s evaluated projects and understand BeZero’s assessment process.
BeZero Carbon, one of the most respected carbon rating agencies in the sector, has awarded an AAe rating to re.green’s restoration projects in the Atlantic Forest. The “AA” rating signifies a very high probability that the credit will achieve the removal of one ton of CO2 equivalent. The “e” refers to an ex-ante analysis, conducted prior to the issuance of a verified carbon unit (VCU).
Among BeZero’s available ratings for ex-ante credits—including over 150 nature-based projects—less than 4% globally have achieved an AA rating, the highest issued so far for ARR projects in the Americas.
re.green achieved this rating in the early stages of its operation, highlighting the quality of our large-scale ecological restoration efforts. Founded in 2022, re.green has already initiated the restoration of over 11,000 hectares across the Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes. Our projects not only focus on forest recovery and connectivity between remnants but also deeply engage with local communities, a cornerstone of restoration success. This includes partnerships with local nurseries, job creation, income generation, and training programs.
“Independent classifications from agencies like BeZero are crucial to demonstrating the high quality of the projects we develop at re.green. This achievement reflects our commitment to leading ecosystem restoration with excellence. Ending the year with this recognition is a testament to our team’s dedication to ensuring that the forests we are recreating effectively contribute to mitigating the climate crisis and protecting biodiversity.”
Thiago Picolo, CEO of re.green
The AAe rating places re.green among the world’s top restoration projects, reinforcing the effectiveness of our large-scale forest restoration initiatives.

re.green’s projects in the Atlantic Forest
So far, re.green’s operations in the Atlantic Forest have generated over 120 jobs and trained more than 220 individuals through 15+ workshops on topics such as seed collection and meliponiculture (native bee farming). The projects evaluated by BeZero for the AAe rating—Ouro Verde and Belo Horizonte—were re.green’s first initiatives, covering 3,000 hectares and involving the planting of over 1.5 million seedlings from more than 140 native Atlantic Forest species.
Beyond forest restoration itself, our projects integrate deeply with local communities, a critical factor for long-term restoration success. The community’s sustainable use of the restored forest will ensure its permanence. Through workshops and training programs, we foster knowledge exchange, and our partnerships with local nurseries supply seedlings for planting.
re.green restores native forests on degraded lands in the Amazon and Atlantic Forest biomes. By integrating a network of scientists, data-driven technologies, and community engagement, re.green contributes to mitigating climate change, regenerating ecosystems, protecting biodiversity, and promoting social development.

Carbon credit ratings and BeZero
Carbon credit ratings play a key role in enhancing market integrity by providing independent and transparent risk assessments of projects. BeZero specializes in evaluating initiatives aimed at greenhouse gas removal or prevention. Its work assesses the likelihood that a project delivers on its climate claims. Through rigorous technical and scientific analysis, BeZero assigns a grade or rating based on the project’s expected environmental impact. This process helps clients better understand carbon projects and make informed climate decisions, fostering greater accountability and impact.
BeZero’s risk assessment criteria include factors like additionality—ensuring the credit results in the reduction or removal of one ton of CO2 equivalent that would not have occurred otherwise—and the permanence of sequestered carbon over the committed period. Other factors include project execution risks and the reliability of available data. re.green was evaluated against all these criteria and received the highest possible score for additionality.
Since its launch in 2022, BeZero Carbon has observed a growing correlation between carbon credit ratings and market pricing. Higher ratings, such as “A” or above, typically attract greater demand. A study published this year revealed that between April 2022 and December 2023, credits with BeZero ratings of “A” or higher achieved an average price premium of approximately 80% compared to others.