Ecological restoration is the process that assists the recovery of an ecosystem that has been degraded, damaged or destroyed” (SER, Society for Ecological Restoration, 2004)
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re.green focuses on high-quality carbon offsets because we support local communities and strive to revert degraded lands back into biodiverse natural ecosystems using native species.
We restore degraded lands back to their original biodiverse ecosystems with native species. In this process, carbon is permanently sequestered from the atmosphere. By marketing nature based solutions, in addition to carbon, we guarantee that local communities continue to act in our forests and this permanence results in the integrity of our projects. This means re.green credits have co-benefits and thus have obtained the CCB (Climate, Community & Biodiversity) seal, which is the highest compensation standard.

re.green produces high-quality, certified native hardwood which enables large-scale restoration through the sustainable management of the entire production chain.
Restoring areas with low potential for natural regeneration is made feasible through the production of nature based solutions such as wood. We use native tropical species. Wood has a unique harvest cycle and, after cutting, the forest is perpetuated in up to 5 years. Wood guarantees the development of our value chain, the permanence of local community jobs and income generated, as well as the production of other biological assets such as fruits and oils (always obtained through sustainable management with the help of local workforce).
To restore nature for people and the planet, we need to work together. That’s why we share our challenge with partner institutions all around the world, where science and technology are paramount in the process of planting trees and restoring forests at scale.
We have a mission to help restore the 1 million hectares of degraded land in the Amazon and Atlantic rainforests. With a dedicated team of cutting-edge scientists, ecologists, engineers and operations specialists, we promote complete ecosystem restoration. We work closely with public and private landowners.
re.green generates positive social impact, ensuring local support for long-term sustainability.
A forest begins with its seeds. In addition to Bioflora, our top of line tree nursery, we work with several partner tree nurseries. We provide training programs for local communities to become seed collectors where they receive the material needed as well as the techniques for restoration. We want to foster resilient communities wherever we go.
Jobs and Income
Capacity building to prioritize hiring in the local communities where projects will be implemented such as: tree nurseries;Implementation and maintenance of restoration; Wood processing.

Engage local communities surrounding the areas under restoration in the monitoring and fire prevention brigades.
Environmental education and research
Partnerships with research institutions and local schools to develop research, environmental education and technical courses related to restoration and forestry economy.