on Brazil’s Most Famous News Program
September 20, 2024 was featured on Jornal Nacional recently.
We are leading one of the largest private forest restoration projects in Brazil. With over 10.7 million native seedlings from the Amazon and Atlantic Forest being planted in degraded areas of Bahia and Maranhão, our project will restore an area equivalent to 20,000 football fields. The goal is not only to “reforest,” but also to revitalize watersheds, create green corridors for wildlife, and generate jobs and income for local communities. is receiving support from Microsoft, a major technology company focused on the carbon market, directly contributing to the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The amount of carbon removed will be equivalent to taking 1 million cars off the roads for a year.
We are using innovative technologies that maximize the benefits of restoration, prioritizing strategic areas and enabling the return of local biodiversity.
Our projects help combat climate change and strengthen local economies, promoting a positive impact for both the environment and people. Click here and read the full article.